🔷Unique Features

Advanced Character Stats

Since we use several custom items that benefit players with different types of stats, and we want to provide players with detailed information about their stats, we introduced this advanced stats panel.

Ranking Panel

Our new ranking panel will include detailed ranking information for each type of ranking (PvP/ PK /Raids/Events/Sieges). There will also be a separate ranking for each class (this category will contain information as you play each class). For example, if you have a total of 5,000 pvps and your current class is Dominator, but you earned 2.000 pvps as Hawkeye, another 2.000 pvps as Archmage, and the rest as your current class "Dominator", you will be listed in the Hawkeye section with 2.000 pvps, inthe Archmage section with 2.000, and in the Dominator section with 1.000.

Enchant Panel

Our enchant panel provides any information is useful for the player while enchanting an item. Penalty / Rate / Max Enchant / Current Enchant

Automatic Potions

Monster's Shift Click

Detailed Information regarding monster's live information.

Automatic Self Buffs

Only self target buffs can be added and will be automatically casted when they're available and not already exist on user's buffs.

Last updated